Risuhara Konsu



7 years, 8 months ago



..::Portrait Commission by Tsurugami::..

Basic Info
Name Risuhara Konsu

Called Konsu/Konsu-chan

Age 19 y.o [The Last; same as Naruto]

Birthday. 8th March (Pisces)

Gender Female - She/Her

Crush/Married Rock Lee

Height 1,64 cm [5'3"]

Affiliation Taki/Konoha (married)

Chakra Nature Suitôn/Water + Yin

Rank Chunnin (at 14 y.o)

Jutsu range Short/Medium

Summon Chipmunks & Squirrels

Type Support [Deffensive 90% of time]

Seiyû Hamasaki Ayumi [Singer]

Voice Example

Extra info & Jutsu description 

Extrovert • Cheerful • Stubborn • Independent • Obstinate • Always Smiling

Likes: takoyaki • water • nature • her friends/family • photobook of her travels

dislikes: vegetables • bees/wasp • cook • talk about herself

Konsu is a traveller kunoichi who has been doing missions from different village since she became Genin at 11 y.o. She don't know where she came from but she considers Takigakure as her home until she arrives at Konohagakure at her 19 y.o. where she will stay there until the last of her days with her husband and kids. 

Konsu's Suitôn is a 'special' type of techniques. A mixted habilities from her parents. Touching her target, plants or herself she can extract the water from plants' sap, her blood or her enemies' blood to do shields and protections (her Justus just works if she touch the skin directly that's why she must to show her skin and why she has her gloves palm's opened. If here's something between her skin and her target' skin/plant the Jutsu won't work). 

Also, she has a limit in the water she can extract. If she extracts too much water of herself or her enemies they can faint by dehydration and be paralyzed/can't move until recover the water that was extracted (that affects to her too). The type of water she extracts is more dense and darker. Due to the density of her water, she's not used to control normal water so she just can control the water she extracts.

ninja Stats 







Childhood, part I and Blank Period (Suna Exams)

Konsu's parents were forced to leave their village because some problems with her mother's Clan. Due to the powerful influence of the Clan, Konsu's parents should have traveled and find a village where the Clan had not power. Konsu born in the middle of one of this travels and she couldn't call 'home' to a place until her parents arrived to Takigakure where the Clan had not influence. This happened when she had 5 years old and her sister had 3 years old.

She was a bit shy when she was young but she met Suzushi Mirai (Canela2000 OC) who helped her to do the first step and leave Takigakure when she became Genin at 11 years old. Then Konsu went to Konohagakure to met again her friends Shadow and Hiory. Together, they made a Team but the Team weren't complete until they met Kiminobu. The four of them traveled for all the Shinobi World with missions and adventures. With the time, they became in something more than friends; they were like a family.

Unfortunately, when Konsu had 14 years old, the Team were ambushed and they were forced to split up. She arrived to Sunagakure and spend some time there where she met Gaara, his siblings and some other Ninjas. She thought her friends were killed in the ambush by her fault so, during the time she was in Sunagakure, she tried to get better skills. The opportunity to try herself came with the Sunagakure Chunin Exams. She took part of the Exams with other two members (they needed Konsu to make a complete Team). She met other important OCs in her future life there and some Canon characters like Team Gai. Konsu passed the exams successfully and she become Chunin with 14-15 years.

Shippuden and the war

During the rest of her adolescence life, she continued with her life as a nomad Kunoichi with a lot of good times, bad times, good friends and some other unpleasant Ninjas. But then, when she had 17 years old, the War started... 

She never took part of the War directly. When she hear a War were to begin Konsu decided to back to Takigakure and help her family and other people to leave the place and go to a safe one. While she was helping, she fell in the Final Jutsu like the most of the Ninjas. In the Jutsu, Konsu saw herself with her family in a beautiful and big house without hiding from anyone and with all her friends there. She then saw her Team appear, all safe and spending her days happily and with all the important people around her.

After the War, The Last and Adulthood


After the War, Konsu learnt to live her life as if every day was the last and showing her smile in the good and in the bad moments. That made her to be an open person but never talk about her real feelings. The following 2 years after the War, were fulled of more missions and adventures, helping her to grow as Kunoichi and as a woman. With 19 years old, she arrived to Konohagakure and all her life changed completely. 

When she was in Konohagakure she met Team Gai again and some other old friends from there even she met new friends and some 'rivals' too (Sakura). Also, she realized that Shadow and Hiory, her ex-teammates and best friends survived to the ambush. She met Shadow's girlfriend, Iryn who become part of her family like Ghost (Shadow's brother). Eventually, Sylvia, her sister, will arrive to Konoha too after know that Konsu started to be more and more close with a boy. 

The more time she spent in Konohagakure and spending more time with Team Gai, the more stranger she felt with Lee. While he felt in love with Konsu during a mission, it took some time to her to fell in love with Lee but finally they become a couple and married with 20 years old (even with Konsu's sister testing Lee all the time and thinking 'he's not enough for her'). She never thought of it but she had to leave her Ninja life after she unexpectedly became pregnant for first time with 21 years (a boy named Ryû). When she had 24 years old, the twins came to the life of the family (Mizûmi and Nobuo). 

Konsu spend the rest of her days as a housewife (and trying to learn how to cook) and doing some missions with her Team and friends time to time. The rest of the time, she took care of her family, spending time with her friends and enjoying her life. Unfortunately, she lost her life with 36 years in Kiminobu's hands. She died with a smile because she had been able to save her family from him (he promised to kill her, her family and the rest of the Team members and their respective families) and knowing her life was complete thanks to her friends, her family and Lee.

..::LeeKon Chibis by Jeca96::..

  • 'Risuhara' is not her real last name. It's a mixed one done by and for her and her sister with her parents's last names. 'Risutaro' (father's last name) + 'Harako' (mother's Clan name)
  • Because Konsu's Justus are a 'mixed' ones (not totally 'pure') she's not the legit inheritor of the Clan even if she's the oldest. But her little sister has the Clan habilities and that makes her the inheritor of the 'Harako Clan'.
  • They doesn't want to be part of the Clan for all they are trying to do to their parents (and they want the Clan just stop to exist) so both are hidding from the Clan to not let them know about Sylvia.
  • Konsu can summon a lot of chipmunk and squirrels but Mushu the deliver Chipmunk is her favorite.
  • Konsu's favorite flowers are the White Narcissus just because that was the first flower Lee gave to her.
  • She always had a complex of her boobs even if they are not too big. That's why she wears bandages in her bust just to try to make them smaller.
  • Even if it was Lee who confess to her, it was Konsu who kissed him first.
  • She's friendly but when she find someone she doesn't like she can tolerate them and be friendly but something in her can't do this with Sakura. They hate each other and all the people know it.

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