Angelene Borrasca



4 years, 4 months ago


EE oc

The idea I had was that she had a lot of problems to control her Epithets powers since she was little. Every time she trained it to try and gain control over her Epithet it got not only stronger, but also more and more out of hand until one grave incident happened. After that she decided to live on a ship from now on, away from other humans so she won’t harm anyone anymore, if her powers spiral out of control again. She still practices alone, trying to get more and more control over her Epithet, which also increases the extent and strengh of her tantrums.

Her Epithets powers are often reacting to her emotions. If she gets angry for example she unconsciously creates a storm around the area, rain if she’s sad and so on. Thats why she tries to keep all her emotions at bay, wearing a neutral face almost all the time.

She is able to control her powers to a certain degree, but if it gets to a point where its too strong for her to bear, she loses contol over herself and basically goes berserk until she’s out of stamina and collapses. I wanted to showcase that in the star/point stat system, so I’ve put the normal dark color down to show how far she can go before she loses herself and the bright cyan for how far her powers go after that.

She also has a tattoo on her back which I haven’t drawn yet, that extends over her body, when she goes berserk mode.