Osamu Oki (Danganronpa Au)



2 years, 8 months ago


Osamu Oki I 大木修

profile image
Height 5'2 I 158.50cm Weight 96lbs
Chest 72cm Blood Type O

D.O.B. June 8th
Likes Milkshakes
Dislikes Peas
Notes Ultimate Aquarist
Status Unknown Gender Male Orientation Bisexual
Age 16 Zodiac Gemini ♊︎ M-B Personality Type ISTP-A


Osamu is headstrong and stubborn, not one to back down on an opinion if he's made up his mind on it. He uses a tough guy persona to seem more threatening than he really is, especially in the killing game. He sometimes makes blind accusations based on assumptions, only giving in when hard evidence is shown to the contrary. He keeps to himself for the most part, very paranoid about the situation they are all in. Though the few people who can get close to him say he's really kind and playful, playing harmless pranks on them. He often goes on tangeants about sea life if someone brings up the ocean, and is easily found by the beach on any given day.


  • Osamu can play the the guitar, often sitting outside late at night playing.
  • He stays with his aunt and uncle in the Miyagi Prefecture of Japan.
  • He was born in Aberdour, Scotland.
  • His birth name is actually Oliver McNiven, he says he changed it in order to fit in more.
  • He loves any and all sweet things.
  • He loves sea shanties.

Osamu was surrounded by the ocean all his life, his love for it inevitable. His father ran an aquarium down in their hometown of Aberdour, Scotland. Osamu helped out there often, almost always working himself to death looking after the fish. He eventually began to neglect his school work to keep the aquarium afloat in the competitive atmosphere of Aberdour.

His mother, a psychologist from Japan, was a previous ultimate herself. She saw how much dedication her son ran the business, communicating with Hope's Peak Academy when Osamu was in his second year of Junior High. His father wasn't sure about sending him out to Japan, opposing it at first. But with how prestigious Hope' Peak Academy is, he reluctantly let his son go to stay with his aunt and uncle to complete his third year. He adjusted by changing his name, still always found by the beach tending to the wildlife.

Soon after arriving, his aunt ran into his room with an envelope that proudly wore the Hope's Peak crest. With shaking hands, she read the letter, a letter of acceptance for the title of Ultimate Aquarist. He was worried about succeeding as he was a terrible student academics-wise. Though his aunt assured him he would do great and shouldn't miss this opportunity. He took her words to heart, preparing for school and telling his mother how he'd make her proud. He was excited to go to school and do something he loved instead of studying things he thought would be useless to him. His aunt described him as beaming brighter than usual in the days leading up to classes starting.

The last time Osamu was ever seen was heading to his first day of school, at around 6:30am.

The Tragedy had started soon after he arrived.

"I'm Osamu Oki.. that's all you're getting out of me, weirdo."

"If you think anyone else is gonna boss me around, you're an idiot!"

"Really..? For me? Don't go getting me anything expensive, dummy.."

"This is a joke, right? You're all kidding! Haha... oh god."

"I miss my family.. my fish.. I just wanna go home!"

"Do you think anyone will ever find us? I just wanna tell my mom I love her one last time.."

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