


7 years, 7 months ago


Stay strong

Someday I will be just like a big tree with strong roots, so nobody will ever make me falter again

tumblr_m7w2n46Pdl1r6o8v2.gif | Someday I will be just like a big tree with strong roots, so nobody will ever make me falter again | tumblr_m7w2n46Pdl1r6o8v2.gif

“I really don't care about what others think about me.
But if they want to stop me going my own way, it bothers me indeed.
And just because I'm still only a child, it doesn't mean I will quietly watch them,
throwing rocks before my feet.
I believe they are just envious.
Because I have a dream, and a goal to work towards,
and they only got their set and outdated opinions".


| "I feel no anger, just endless sadness" |


Name: Aimalei
Nickname: Ai | Egghead
Age: 10
Birthday: 13.03
Sternzeichen: Pisces ♓
Race: Demigod

Aimalei is a slender young girl with green, slightly curled hair, smooth and fair skin. Her eyes are shining bright green, and because she always has a big smile on her face, she has an overall really cunning appearance. She usually wears her hair in two pigtails, held together by a braid with red marbles. These pigtails give her a even younger appearance. She loves to wear her favourite dress: A light summer dress with ruffles and a flaring out end. She loves dresses that feel like she would wear a dress made out of leaves or air, she doesn't like clothing that restricts her. A green belt is positioned on the middle of the dress, she got it from her sister as a present. Because of that she always wears the belt on every dress she has, whether it suits to them or not. Aimalei always runs barefooted and if you ask her why, she answers that she loves to feel the nature under her feet. Her wings look like those of butterflies: They are big and let the sun shine trough them. At several parts they are nearly transparent, other parts seem to have the colour of the bright sky or of a deep forest. Altogether she looks really innocent and young, but that doesn't mean that she really is this way.


Aimalei is, like everyone would guess at first sight, clumsy and always weeps about every trifle. She is afraid of the dark, because of that she always has a little Lightstone with her which gives her light when she needs it. She really loves her older sister Ellinar and in the past, she imitated everything she did. She soon learned to follow her own way and chase her own dreams, just like her sister did. Her big goal is to become a demigoddess, to see her skills getting acknowledged and to find a workplace which lets her be with her beloved plants. Despite her young age she is focused on her goal and even if she quickly gets watery eyes, she will never give up - by any cost. If she is happy, she has a bright smile on her face and her eyes seem to shine. This espacially happens, when she is in nature. She easily gets underestimated, but due to the fact that she can hear the thoughts of trees which are more than thousands of years old, she has a great knowledge about the past. Aimalei gets easily bored when something simply doesn't wake her interest, because of that she never was that good in the school she attended. She just couldn't get, why she had to learn all those things, despite already knowing what she would do in the future. She still learned everything and was pretty decend. If something interests her, she asks questions til she understands it. She loves to explore new things, to learn about nature or the history of the world she lives in. She is a bright and happy girl, but can also get totally serious and even mad, especially when someone doesn't treasures the nature or wants to convince her, that she will never reach her goal. Only her family knows that the girl is very smart and knows how to manipulate others. Even if she has a really lovely character, she knows how to play with the feelings of other persons.

Aimaleis greatest strenght is her unbreakable will to reach her goals. She will never give up, even with the gods standing against her. She loves her family more than anything else, and treasures them a lot. Ai has a great knowledge in the history of the heavenly world and also about all kind of plants. The ability to hear the thoughts of the plants is something, that made her develop drastically. She knows her own strenghts and weaknesses pretty well, and acts accordingly to them. Even tho Ai has a lot of strenghts for her age, she also has a few weaknesses. She is afraid of the dark, often very clumsy and tends to cry often. If someone isn't the same opinion as her, she tries to manipulate them into thinking the same. Even if she knows that this isn't the good way, she catches herself doing it despite that. She is often to self-confident and tries to do things, she simply can't do.

Likes || Nature || Dancing || Sunlight || Grass under her bare feet || The smell of rain on earthy ground || Her older sister Ellinar || Animals || Dresses || Rainbows || Flying
Dislikes || Darkness || Cold || People who don't respect the nature || People who underestimate her due to her age || Some gods || Spicy/bitter meals || Meat

Her magic:

She can hear the thoughts of plants and trees. She can communicate with them and they teach her about many things that happened in the past. The trees will guard and protect her when it's neccessary.


| The magic of nature |

WIP! It was a cold day, snowflakes were slowly drifting to the ground. The sky was painted the colour of the winter: Icy blue. That was the day I was born. Actually very incongruous, because I hate coldness and especially snow. It is pretty to watch every time, but if you go outside you get punched by the icy air and the cold goes under your skin like ice splinters.

I will always remember the warmth when I first opened my eyes. We can remember everything of our lives, also the time after we were born, unlike humans. I remember that my sister was looking a bit scarcely into my face, but then she dared to touch my face and to stroke over my cheek very gently. I think she has already been my idol since then. I loved her since the first time I saw her, and I believe that we are bound together by a stron bond that nobody can break.

I got the name Aimalei, which means "girl with the shimmering wings" or just "shimmering girl". A special name for a special child, my parents always used to say. And, even if I don't want to admit it, I'm really somewhat special. I was born with wings, that looked like those of butterflies which I learned to love soon. No angel ever got wings, in the entire history of the heavenly empire.

Everyone knows that you need to have special talents to become a demigod, and to get a pair of beautiful wings, when you become one. Gods and demigods, wonderful beeings with beautiful and majestic wings, but an angel with wings? This was like the apocalypse for the gods. I was, and still am, very proud of the fact that I had wings, but at the same time I had to experience what it meant to be -different-

Already a year after I was born I got attracted by the nature and the sound of life. I often sat in the forest at the back of our house, and listened to the air blowing through the thick canopy of leaves. At some time I started to hear the voices of the trees and plants. My parents thought at first, that I just made an imaginary friend, but as soon as I could tell them things I couldn't know, they slowly startet to believe me.

It took me a few months to fully understand that, what I call the "thoughts" of plants. After all they dont think like we do. Their thoughts are like a maze of thoughts, and you need to find a way through it. This was the time when I decided what I wanted to do in my life. And my adventure started.


| Relationships |


Aimalei's sister
