Iggy [2102]



4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Open For Breeds:



The Ghost

Having his fur painted (but only by Alba).
His pups and family. He loves them with his whole heart and would do anything for them.
Sweet fruits
The stares he receives
His real/full name
How small he is. He's already short as a common male, but he's even shorter than the average common male.


"Being a blank slate isn't all that bad once you think about it; You can be painted into anythin' you wanna be."

Iggy was an angry and chaotic child who would often lash out at other pups and his siblings, but it didn't come from a place of true hatred or anger; It came from the pain he felt from being constantly picked on. Looking back he regrets how he handled things and how it tore apart the bond he had with his brothers, but now as an adult he's much calmer and quieter, and hopes to someday find his siblings to reconnect with them and apologize for how he acted when they were younger.

Childhood (Pre Rite)

Iggy came from a large and somewhat obnoxious family (two parents and two brothers - They were a set of triplets, so growing up with all of them at the same time was a bit much). His parents were loving but he could tell they always looked at him a little odd and took pity on him as he was the one who was picked on the most by other pups. His parents and siblings all had colorful and intricate patterned pelts, which he adored and resented at the same time. He was born as a blank slate, literally, and hated that while his siblings and parents were colorful and bright, he was just a plain, ghostly white Tosk. As he grew up the constant teasing and self hatred made him bitter towards others, making him quick to snap at other pups and even be somewhat cruel to his brothers (although after he picked on Fintan the first time and quickly got put in his place he stuck to picking on TBN until TBN's horns came in and he started getting a lot bigger than Iggy).

The years passed in the chaotic household and eventually all three of the boys left for their Rites. Iggy was the first to split off from the others, excited for some time alone after being cooped up with his large family for years. That excitement didn't last long, as the reality of how dangerous and terrifying their Rites were quickly sunk into the small males mind. Some numbers of fights and near death experiences later, Iggy somehow survived his Rite and made his way to the nearest Tribe to rest and recollect himself. He spent only a bit of time there before stumbling upon the sweetest pink Toskal who immediately caught his eye and would eventually capture his heart.

Adulthood (Post Rite)

Now that he's an adult and looks back on his childhood, he feels horrible for the way he treated others. He was so hurt and torn up inside he never thought how badly he could hurt others because he was so focused on his own pain. Although he's happy and settled down with Alba and their pups, he does from time to time think about wandering off to find his brothers or even try to find his parents again. He loves and misses them all dearly and longs to find them again, not only to catch up but to also apologize for the way he treated them and to try and fix the damage he did in the past. He has a deep longing to reconnect with his roots, but he knows at the moment he can't leave his current family. Iggy never thought he'd fine someone who would love him as truly and as confidently as Alba does. He can't put into words how lucky he is to have found her and the joy he feels in his heart at the fact that they're bonded and have had three beautiful pups. Having their twin albino girls made him realize that his hatred towards himself was a horrible mistake, and watching all three of his daughters grow into happy, healthy adults proved to him that regardless of pelt color or lack there of, happiness was possible for everyone as long as they didn't give up.

Once all three of his and Alba's pups were grown and living on their own, he began to feel a bit lost. Eventually his mind began to wander back to his parents and brothers. While he's fairly sure that his parents have already passed or wouldn't want to see him, he still misses his brothers dearly and wishes to find them and reconnect with them. Although he was hesitant at first he brought up his feelings to Alba and to his surprise she was all for them going exploring in search of his brothers. They quickly packed up the essentials before setting off in search of his brothers, and while it'll be a long and unknown road he knows that with Alba by his side, nothing will get in his way. The rest is still TBD!!





The love of my life.. I can't even begin to explain how precious you are to me, and how big of an impact you've had on my heart and soul. I thank you for everything and for making my life complete. Without you, I'd be completely lost in this big, crazy world.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.