Electric Lotus



7 years, 8 months ago



Name Electric Lotus
Pronunciation el-LEC-trick LOW-tus
Age Young Adult
Birthday tbd
Gender Female


Relationship Status Single
Sexuality tbd
Race Luminie Pegasus
Class/Role Manager of the Indigo Cloud, a night club
Talent Perfect rhythmic timing
Cutie Mark A lotus flower in neon colors


Height Average
Build Athletic
Eyes Lavender
Coat Mostly Tickle-Me-Pink, but fades to Electric Indigo to at the bottoms of her legs, arms/hands, and the tips of her ears.
Hair Mostly Bright Sky Blue with one streak of Electric Indigo.


Work in progress. In the mean time, here is all her old info from her Ponyopolis audition form. (ohgodsthisissocringeyeep)

Outfit: Rave wear. Most often seen in a skin-tight electric indigo sleeveless shirt with bright sky blue bands on the bottom and around the neck; it has a triangle-shaped cut-out above her breasts. With this top she wears matching shorts that are electric indigo with bright sky blue stripes down each side. Jewelry: Her Selenyx is a bracelet that she wears on her left wrist. It is a solid piece of the crystal honed into a bracelet. (Not really jewelry, more an accessory) She wears a string adorned with several glow sticks around her her hips.
Activity: Dancing, listening to music, playing bongos
Area: [The main city], her nightclub, "Indigo Cloud"
Gemstone: Amethyst, Turquoise
Flower: Lotis
Color: Electric indigo
Season: Spring
Time: Evening/night (8pm - 2am)
Food: Sugary treats (candy, baked goods)
Meal: Desert~ And breakfast if it includes French Toast!

Region: [The main city]
Home: She lives in a cozy apartment above her night club.
Current Occupation: Manager of her night club, "Indigo Cloud."
Individual Speciality: "Rhythmic Beats" - she is always in time with whatever music is playing. This allows her to be a great (if not the best) dancer around.
Unique Abilities:
~ Flashlight Optics: Her eyes glow and light up any dark area in front of her for 5 feet.
~ Illuminary: If she choses to, she can make any object she touches glow.
~Spellcraft - Glowing Shapes: She can create small glowing spheres or sticks out of thin air. They are non-tangible to anyone else.
Skills: Even though her wings are small, they can help propel her forward for short distances (i.e. less than 500 yards).

Descriptive words: Bouncey, hyper, empathetic, nuturing, protective.
Attitude: Happy-go-lucky. She loves to see and make people smile.
Feelings on the Clan War: She thinks that the Darklings are just creating unnecessary drama and need to get over themselves! Everyone just just be happy and have fun partying together! Is it really that hard to put aside our differences?

Extra: She doesn't like being anything but happy, but when it is appropriate she can be serious. For example, if a friend of hers is going through a hard time and just needs to talk, Lotis will just sit back and listen. Or if two people are in an argument she will play moderator and look at things from an unbiased point of view. Also, if someone hurts one of her friends, she will seek the offender out and "talk" to them about it. (Sometimes it is just talking, but there have been a few times she had to play DDR on the offender's back)

Writing Sample: Electric Lotis grabbed a rag and started to wipe down the bar. "Wow, tonight was great," she thought to herself. "No fights, just smiles! I really do love nights like this." She sighed happily. "I'll have to remember to order more bottles of Teal Silk - that stuff went like crazy tonight! Must be the newest trend. Oh! And tomorrow I should probably clean the floor again, I can see some scuff marks."

As she thought about cleaning the floor, the image turned from her on her knees scrubbing heartily to her rising up in time to the beginning of a song, and before she knew it, she was choreographing a new routine in her head. Because of the beat and effects in the particular song she was thinking of, she knew she could make use of her glowing spheres; she imagined commanding them to swirl around her body and pulse in beat while she waved her arms around gracefully as if she were casting a spell. As was her usual way, her hooves were prancing about in intricate patterns in perfect step.

She didn't realise that she was spaced out until the song had finished in her head. She blinked a couple of times, and was surprised to find herself behind the bar at first. Then it all came back to her. "Oh, my! Guess I spaced out there! Well, back to work cleaning, then to bed!" She thought of her comfy, soft bed briefly, and made herself work faster so she could get up to it quicker.


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  • She was originally created for Ponyopolis, a now-defunct RP forum. It had great lore and many unique traits, so if some of the things listed here in her profile are unfamiliar to you, that's why. :3 I'm actually quite sad that I don't remember many details; I'd love to explain some of these things.
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