Cheshire Cat



4 years, 2 months ago


  • nicknames: Cheshire Cat, Cheshire, Ches, Kitty
  • gender? yeah!
  • any pronouns (order of preference he/they/whatever)
  • shapeshifter
    • has paws sometimes
    • always has killer eyeliner
    • can float
    • occasionally just. dissolves into shapes
  • allegiance to no kingdom. or all of them? he'll never be clear on which
  • just kinda vibing at any point in time
  • lives deep in a forest, so deep that a layer of fog covers the ground and the trees reach high into the sky, and it appears as if the entire area is upside down (sky is green with leaves and ground is covered in clouds)
    • his house is also entirely upside down so its really hard to navigate, but that's just how he likes it
  • loves to mess with people when he's bored to get a reaction out of them, especially Jubjub (he thinks its funny when she fluffs up to try and look bigger) 
  • calls Alice “doll” bc he thinks she looks like a porcelain doll and he doesn’t know what a “human person” is