


4 years, 4 months ago


Cockatoo Mixed with Budgie (Kenku)

Bard (Uses her voice)

Chaotic good (Good with Chaotic energy)

Design Notes) Inkelelle is a grey with two Dark grey V's along her very fluffy neck, She has light purple head feathers that stand up when she is afraid, startled or has her attention set on something. She doesnt have hands but instead has her wings. The tip of her wings are the same Dark grey as the V's on her neck, The ends of her wings are a grey-ish purple. Her tail feathers are the same as her wings, Dark grey, Base feather color, and light grey purple. Her legs are the same colour as her smol Beak Black. Her eyes are bright purple but have no pupils.

Personality: Ink is a very goofy, very chaotic, but very cute and affectionate character. Since she is a Kenku she mimics what she hears, and what she mimics, are (what we know as) Vine and TikTok memes. She is very rarely seen alone, but when she is alone she's probably crying and desperately trying to find the party shes lost.