Takoya Daimei



4 years, 2 months ago


The frantic heartbeat of a young child had been echoing through the ruins of the home .
Something went terribly wrong that night . Mother had come home , high on drugs , as well as with a suspicious man by his side . With the girl being shushed into the room she was sharing with her big brother , noises echoed from the other side of the door . If only her big brother was with her . .
After the horrible experience , silence had left her speechless until everything broke . Her mother , who has betrayed her with words , was now against her child instead of being there for her and the elder sibling was nowhere to be seen , taken away by the man , unable to look back .

A mother that turned on her children . And now , she was there to murder the girl , to feast on her . On that day, the frightened child found herself fighting for her life , which has left behind the biggest scar . Saved by a flame haired hashira , she was brought to the man's home , now to grow and become a slayer beside his children . .


Basic Information:

Name: Daimei Rengoku ( Former last name Takoya )
Gender: Biologically female , now , Male .
Breath: Breath of Emotions
Alias: Demon Slayer
Rank: Tsuguko of Shinjuro Rengoku
Occupation: training under Kyojuro Rengoku's wing
Age: 17
Birthday: 7th of September .
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 4,11
Likes: Chocolate
Hair: His hair is cut rather messy . He tried to make it straight , but he's not that good with scissors , so the front bangs are longer than the back . His hair color goes from a night sky blue to an ocean aqua blue .
Eyes: Pale purple , similar to his haori .

Missing Older Sibling: Kii Takoya
Deceased after a failed hookup , former , short lived Demon ' Chaotic Charm ' .
Foster siblings: Senjuro , Kyojuro Rengoku
Foster 'Father' : Shinjuro Rengoku


Character information:

Haori: Daimei's haori is purple-themed like his eyes , with stripes on the sleeves and shoulders , but purple mist/flame like marks at the end .

Nichirin sword: He has two long daggers that turned purple upon touch . They work with his agility , thus , he fights closer than others , unless one of his styles gives a large slash .


After the trauma Daimei has suffered in his childhood , he lost his strength to pull off a fully hearted smile . He has a short temper that easily flames up , which ends up in him starting fights with other demon slayers or the hashira when he meets them . When he's alone , he's at peace .

Breath Details:
The breath of 'Emotions' is a temperamental type of style .
While each style is unique , they take a lot out of Daimei , mixing some of his emotions into those he uses .
Some are painless , like Happiness , love or Empathy , while those like Anger , hate and disappointment are quite the pain to the opponent .