Blaise (Anthro/Animatronic form)



SurpriseAttack (Fnaf oc) x RAT (Fnac) Fankid

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Species: Rat animatronic

Personality: He's a boy who likes to talk a lot and although smart he can come off as a bit of an airhead since he can be rather clumsy and a bit ditzy. He can be very unaware of dangerous situations so far that his parents have to step in and help him get out of them. Overall though he's a good friend to have who likes to encourage others to do their best and he's always willing to give someone a helping hand.

Headcannon voice: Tails from Sonic Forces

Info: Due to his clumsiness others tend to keep a careful eye on him to make sure he either doesn't break anything or hurt himself in the process. He doesn't understand why the others do this since he thinks that he's capable of taking care of himself but at the same time he doesn't mind so he doesn't bring it up.

Like his mother he have's a great love for reading but he gets very deep into the books so he doesn't notice if someone is trying to get his attention or even hearing them call out to him. He likes to read while he's walking so sometimes he ends up running into a wall or tripping over something.

The boy can't keep a secret hidden for anyone so it's best to not tell him a secret at all. In all honestly he does try his best to keep things hidden but due to him having a habit for talking a lot he can't help but accidentally let it slip out somewhere in the conversation.

He's very curious about his father's side of the family since no one talks about them and when he asks his mother about them her mood would sadden a bit so she tells him that she isn't sure if it's okay for her to talk about them to him without RAT knowing or if he wants he can ask RAT himself about them but he'll most likely won't get an answer from him either.

He enjoys photography very much so he keeps a camera in the bag he always carries with him and if something catches his eye he'll take a photo of it. He's really proud of the photos that he takes so he shows them to his parents hoping that they'll like them as well.

He actually likes to do songwriting in his free time and he's very passionate about it but unlike photography he can get anxious about it since he's scared that people might tell him that the song he wrote is terrible. Though when he shows them to his mother she always gives him praise about them and she'll happily sing the songs he wrote as well.

He doesn't get angry a lot but if someone manages to push him to his limits he'll turn into a mini version of RAT such in insulting them with every insult that he can come up with, biting them and if he feels it's necessary he'll wrap his tail around their leg then proceed to throw them across the room. He'll normally calm down if he's given a pack of hershey's kisses.

Unbeknownst to everyone else including his parents he can actually get a bit sensitive when others talk about how clumsy he is though they don't usually mean it in a bad way but it still gets to him since he feels like that he messes up a lot of things so he always tries to keep on a happy attitude in front of them. He wants to tell his parents but worries about how they'll react.