


4 years, 4 months ago


Sunny, 16 y.o., hardy nature scorbunny
  • Sunny aspires to be part of an exploring team and be well known like the famous Maritime Explorers (note: …idk how many years have actually passed since milo & co. were the “main focus”…7 years? 8? all i know, is milo is mid to late 20’s) ANYWAYS. She really looks up to Milo, even mimicking his signature bandage over nose look. She comes from a somewhat overprotective family, who worries about her brash nature. Sunny has the Rebellious Streak, and runs away from home (with Maverick tagging along) in hopes to start off her exploring team. Somewhere along the line, runs into Milo (literally) at the exploration team…center?…station??? THE PLACE WHERE THEY SIGN UP TO MAKE A TEAM… and is obviously starstruck. With much, MUCH begging, she gets Milo to be a fighting instructor of sorts to her. (Also, Milo feels…The Connection…when hearing her situation, and he doesn’t want her to make the same mistakes he did, so he also provides Wisdom cuz Milo is Grown Up and Mature TM now.) Pandora often teases him that she never thought Milo to be a mentor type, but he somehow fits it perfectly. With Milo’s guidance, Sunny decides to go back home to make ammends with her parents, who also apologize for not being supportive at first. They ultimately understand, knowing she’s had the heart for adventure since a young age, and all they ask is for her to be safe.