


4 years, 2 months ago


Lady fuzless pants pear of gliterlandia is the sort of name you get when you let a little girl obsessed with fairytales name your daughter so she simply goes by Lady.

Lady is a very passionate cat, she is emotional and very easily upset, but determined to go through with whatever she's set out to do. She is very intense and over twice as large as your average cat which makes her a sight to behold, and fear. She's determined to locate the source of the paranormal activities going on around the castle and prove once and for all the magic is real.
She comes from a nice normal city but after a few mishaps, she's not even quite sure how it happened she wound up in Evergrim with no contact to the outside world. Even if these things are normal to someone who grew up around here, she certainly realizes that magic is the only answer. After coming there she's been dubbed as "Princess" and since then she's not been called anything else.