Joel Burgandy



4 years, 4 months ago


Full name: Joel Burgandy
Pirate name: Captain Blackmane
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Species: Iberian Ibex and German Shepherd mix
Ethnicity: Spanish

Joel Burgandy aka Captain Blackmane aka Bosco's deadbeat dad. A stoic and ruthless pirate captain, he doesn't like to show his emotions and feelings of affection even less. The relationship with Bosco's mom was just a whirlwind romance he had while his ship was in her harbor for maintenance after a run in with crom. It got too real too fast so when Bosco's mom said she was pregnant, Blackmane was like "nope I'm a ruthless pirate, not a husband or father. Im not dealing with this bye" and got the hell out of there with his crew, not even leaving Bosco's mom with as much as a penny. He does not feel bad about this. He definitely doesn't wish he stuck around to raise his son. Nope not at all. He is above those feelings shut up.

While a ruthless pirate captain, he does not tolerate bullying on his ship. This is because when he was young, people used to bully him for his (then black) horns, lil ibex ears and his weird stocky build as well as his front teeth which resembled a goat's apart from the canines. He was the son of an ibex father and german shepherd mother and he resented that fact. He hated being yanked around by his horns, being made fun off when he smiled or having people pointing out how small and funny looking his ears were. He resented his parents for doing this to him and at 16 he ran away from home and joined a ship crew of canines. While he was still bullied, some also respected him as he was a quick learner and worked his way up the ranks. He got taught how to sword fight, in case they were to run into pirates and wouldn't you know it, he was a natural. So much of a natural in fact that he decided to commit a mutiny when he turned 20.

He overthrew and killed the captain, as well as all those that had bullied him and only kept the ones that had treated him with respect. There was also one canine he spared that he wasn't particularly friends with but he also hadn't bullied him so he was allowed to stay and do chores. The canine wasn't exactly happy about this but he wasn't a strong fighter and didn't want to die and at this point he was outnumbered so guess he was stuck doing chores.

Joel took on the name Black mane and set out on his life as a pirate captain. While on their travels, they recruited Calcifer, a dark blood mage who was being taken to prison when the ship transporting him was attacked by Blackmane. Blackmane and his crew freed him and, as a thank you, he joined them. With his ability to sense dark magic, they were able to locate midnight, a fallen subject of the moon god Lun. Midnight was wounded, feral and hungry and bound with ethereal chains on a rock Island. Calcifer was able to break the chains with his dark magic and with a lot of effort and after being fed a bit of blood, they were able to calm down midnight down enough to take him back to the ship to treat his injuries. Once midnight was healed up, he was incredibly grateful to black mane and his crew and decided to serve them from there on out. He used his connection to the fallen goddess Aurora to ask for a blessing for Blackmane. Aurora granted him this blessing and turned blackmane's horns, claws, flesh and blood gold so no one would mock his appearance again.

Not too long after this, Blackmane has a run in with Crom and immediately hated him. "Who does this fish man think he is? He calls himself the king of pirates but he is really just a giant bully! Fuck this guy, imma fight him!" They put up a decent fight but Blackmane didn't account for Crom to command a giant sea monster so he made a quick retreat to prevent further damage to his ship and of course to keep his crew mates safe from certain death. It's after this that he takes short residence in a small harbor town while his ship is in repairs and he meets Bosco's mom. He does not know Bosco's mom later died when his son Bosco turned 8, nor does he know that Bosco has joined Crom's crew to take revenge on him. He is yet to meet Bosco at all.

He has since found a friend in captain Lukka as they are united in their hatred for Crom. While theyhave the occasional fling, they mostly just do their own thing and go their separate ways. They do help eachother out whenever they meet and have friendly banter while doing so.

Misc info:

-Secretly suffers from self loathing though he doesn't show this much

-Absolutely hates bullies, does not tolerate bullying on his ship. He is the only one allowed to bully people because he knows how it is to be bullied.

-Tries not to get attached to people and is generally untrusting

-Might secretly wish to be a dad for bosco but he is afraid he will be a bad dad and that Bosco will loathe his horns like he does. 

Thing I just wrote and will need to incorporate in this bio somehow: Stoic, stern and rarely smiles. He is generally good to his crew though he can be a bit tough on them. It's mostly because he doesn't want people to get attached to him nor does he want to get attached to others. He suffers from self loathing and doesn't believe he is worthy of love and friendship. Still he secretly really cares about his crew and he has also managed to make a friend in Lukka. Sometimes he even cracks a smile and even rarer gives a hearty laugh.
