Lisha Shobek



4 years, 4 months ago



Lisha Shobek

“The Archer” - “The Runaway” - “The Horror” - “The Witch”

Lisha comes from a people of darkness and hate, the people who channel the power of the ancient Hunters.  She’s a character full of contrasts; worn but naïve, motherly and kindly but with the powers of horrors behind her, a young woman with a wish to do good but housing a magic that only desires extinction.  She hides behind layers of fabric and clay, a cheerful performer showing off the weakest of her powers to earn a thrill and a coin.  Lisha is probably the member of the crew who least intended to be there, but it doesn’t mean she isn’t prepared to do her best for their cause.  Her journey is one of finding a purpose, a place, and a goal, of accepting that there are people who accept her, despite the darkness she was born into and carries to this day.

17, born in 665 I.E.

Heterosexual/Cisgender Female.

Positive Traits:
Caring, discreet, empathetic, encouraging, hard-working, imaginative, motherly, stable, thorough.

Negative Traits:
Changeable, distrusting, finicky, ignorant, naïve, nosy, pretentious, secretive.

Random Quirks:
Asks a lot of unusual “why” and “how” questions (ex. why is the sky blue, how people know to eat certain foods).  Easily excited by new things.  Talented but rarely experienced.  Loves bitter and spicy foods.  Probably the most mentally stable of the whole team.  Knee length hair is always up in a bun or similar.  Seems calm, but perfectly happy to join in on the team’s antics.  Unbothered by the cold.  Fascinated by history.

Religious Status:
Fangs of the Shadows (those who know of what the Originators took, and see Hunters as the true gods, even if they are ones to be feared).

Nationality/Place Of Birth:
Southern Voidmaker, far into the lands of snow Beyond.

Places Of Residence:
Ruling family residence (all of childhood), Rizzo’s Caravan (during most of her time traveling).

Braiten Shobek and Neesha Ballari (parents), Marlissa Ballari (older half-sister), Madoc Ballari (older half-brother), Maitea Ballari (older half-sister), Mabel Ballari (older half-sister), Margaret Ballari (older half-sister).

Voidmaker Royal, Traveling Gamehunter, Caravan Performer.

Archery, calligraphy, collecting random items, designing, nature watching, painting, performing (magic shows), whittling.


 Archery, design, encouragement, fashion, hairdressing, “transference” (the magical passing of stored diseases to or from someone, sometimes seen as a form of healing magic).

While she cares, she’s simply running from her people, following what keeps her on the move.
