


4 years, 4 months ago


🔥 Blak🔥
Stoic. Warm. Tired.


Blake is just your average guy made of fire, he's around college age but hasn't decided to attend any yet, as he has absolutely no clue what he wants to do in life. He's a stoic guy, the only expression people see him with is his 'resting bitch face' and he often acts very stand-off-ish to people. He enjoys playing video games but has a bit of a temper when he loses, which has led to him accidentally burning quite a few controllers.

Upon first meeting Blake most people are reluctant to touch or stand too close to him due to the whole fire thing, but he can actually control exactly how hot his body is and usually keeps it at a warm temperature that isn't hot enough to harm anyone. It only gets out of hand when he gets angry, which causes the heat to flare up.

Blake doesn't have a mouth and doesn't have any magical way to speak, but he's found that it's very easy to express immense disappointment in humanity without using words.