


4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


5Secqurel - 5Sec+


5-Sill-O Beat or just Five




False Cat (Entity)


An entity taking the shape of a sometimes four armed cat with a long spiky tail characterized by the big flower on it's end point. His most notable trait being the five eyes of three different colors on his face along with four pointed cheek tufts. This form he's created is an original creation by him, no relation to any other cats that might be named Kittybro or T.E.W. His definitive color scheme features the classic colors, White, Black, Red, Yellow and Blue. Occasionally he may change it up a bit as he sees fit. He's pretty tall, at least taller than the average human being. Most of these traits can be morphed and switched around due to the nature of a being like him. Sometimes he just has the one pair of arms and only four eyes.

Truthfully he is not a cat, at least he wasn't born one and he certainly doesn't really try to act like one often mixing up cat mannerisms with dog ones. Although if we're being honest he probably does it to see who it pisses off. He's not a bad kitty he just wants to have fun! Fun is 5Sec+'s absolute favorite word, he has clothing featuring the word or variations of it. He's obsessed with the idea of fun, happiness and activity. Which is not at all an uncommon trait among entities such as himself. If you ask him there's a whole lot worse he could be interested.... Like destruction of universes.

5Sec+ likes to travel around universes, especially the fun and interesting ones. Often times he likes to mess with the inhabitants of planets or at least make small talk with them. It is unusual for him to make friends but It is not impossible. Usually his time spent in new areas inspires him and sometimes he copies aspects of particular folks he thought interesting like mostly their voices. His voice is an absolute chaotic mess, like two people talking at once. Obviously this is a creation of his own and if you ask nicely he'll talk in a normal way. 

Fun Facts

  • Has other forms he can take like a human one but clearly he just digs the cat one.
  • His tail is very thick and it'd probably hurt to be whacked with.... Specially if it's spiky.
  • 5Sec+ likes flowers a lot, so much so that he oftens takes and collections some from the places he visits.