


4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Elaighto
Essence: Earth
Clan: The Blessed being camaraderie
Current age: Ancient, no actual age known
Species: The Blessed
Social status: worshipful sage
Occupation: Endstone maker
General info:
Ancient being, responsible for creating so called endstones which grant certain creatures additional magic abilities.
Elaighto is known to be wise and kind, but at the same time quite sly and even crafty. He is not someone who can give something gratuitously. He rather examine the creature and then decides are they worthy of his grace or not.
Elaighto is pretty much a shadow figure in RHAGN world. He rarely show up on the Plain and prefers to stay in his sanctuary. A few ones know the way to reach him. Meanwhile he is aware of everything going on in the world because of his endstones. He can easily control all of them and even disable a few or every single one. He also knows who's using his endstones at the moment and thus track any creature's movements.
Despite all that Elaighto is a simple observer. He does nothing to influence The Plain except for maybe creating some spare endstones.