Edir Brenn



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Edir Brenn (eh-DEER buh-WREN)




agender (they/them)




Harvon Kadvell


NOTE: created these guys when my hands were still p broken. love them a lot but VERY underdeveloped, most of my notes about them r in misc word docs lmao. may come back to them when my hands r good enough to draw humans/complex designs more.

Edir Brenn

human appearance:

  • a bit gangly/thin built short and small. Has curly/fluffy hair that falls into eyes but is chin length. Has large owl-like blue eyes that some find unsettling (they can be a bit intense). Has blonde or dirty blonde hair.


very upbeat and chill, but mostly is a coping mechanism/mask. (Has a rather dark and sarcastic sense of humor) More perceptive/deep and responsible than people make them out to be. Very sociable/amicable but most people merely tolerate them and they don’t really have any close friends. Used to being thought of as second or third best (if at all) and often fades into the background. Tries to stay optimistic and believes in the best of people. Is used to being independent and self-reliant and isn’t very good at accepting help or praise (yet can be rather clingy with select people Harvon). Can be a bit mischievous and has a daredevil streak when you get to know them. they are a bit of a Luna lovegood and are somewhat isolated because the other children find them strange. Is the human embodiment of the knife cat meme.

Essence Weapon:

  • Perhaps a ranged weapon? A bow and arrow (the bow being the actual weapon and arrows just regular arrows). Because of their observant and calm personality. Or the bow shoots essence arrows? They kind of support Harvon and the gang from afar and watch their backs. Also has a dagger or short sword if they need to do close combat, but they prefer ranged combat.

History ideas:

  • 1) they meet Harvon (and gang?) On some sort of mission and they proved themself to be useful? (Maybe it was a rescue mission for them and some other lerlings who were stranded or something?) They work side-by-side with Harvon and Harvon observes how despite being friendly, Edir is not really close to any of the other lerlings (and see something of herself in them)? 
  • 2) Edir wants to be a rordeiy but is not confident in their skills and believes they won’t be chosen before the age out. Harvon sees their potential and takes them on. That or/and the lereum believe that they are too emotional and no one wants to take them on.
  • 3) Harvon (and Antosh?) is made to do some kind of teaching exercise with children yet to become lerlings for some reason (to teach her some lesson in patience or as a “punishment” for doing something reckless). She sees Edir and wants to take them on for a mix of reasons in 1 and 2.

Primal form:

  • based on the aye aye lemur mostly but more gangly and unsettling with bigger eyes and a mousier face. More blonde/dust colored with longer nails. maybe wings, if so bat wings