Spiralis suci



4 years, 4 months ago



  • The spiralis can grow to be taller than a human in some rare cases
  • Usually it never grows bigger than your head though
  • It's a fairly common desert plant (succulent)
  • When the gel inside the leaves is eaten, even just one leaf is enough to hydrate you for up to four days (depending on heat/activity) 
  • The gel also gives temporary anxiety relief when eaten (usually a few hours) and is often prescribed by therapists
  • The first leaves to grow are always the tallest and continue getting taller with the rest of the leaves following suit in a descending length
Usually a pale icy green like a moonglow plant


  • To find/grow a spiralis to human height is considered the greatest bestowment of luck from the gods and you are considered immune to bad energy for the rest of your life or until the plant has died, people often throw grand parties to someone who achieves this and look up to them for guidance, they have become elite. If it dies under your care, you have been cursed and your luck will be thrown against you, to counteract this you must sacrifice to the gods every night for 3 full moons straight using a mixture of water, your own blood (3 drops) and the petals of a tangle rose. It is found to be very difficult to lift this curse and some choose to sacrifice their lives if they do not wish to live with this misfortune and disappointment of their peers, they are cleansed of misfortune upon death (only if the death follows a certain ritual procedure)
  • It's often used in potions to strengthen their effectiveness or provide anxiety relief
  • When the gel is taken in high dosages, the calm effect can be strong enough to produce a weed-like high and many people do this as a legal way to get high