Devon's Comments

What is this little dude?

a liliax ! it was a closed/original species I made with someone else that I also wanna get rid of cause it kinda got pushed onto me xd

if you wanna remove the original species aspect it's literally just a bat/snake hybrid

It's a cute concept. Sorry you got pushed into it, though. I might get him in the future if he's still available?

Most likely, no one cared for it for years I don't see why they suddenly would tbh, so you got aaalll the time in the world

Cool cool! I don't get paid until the 29th so it'll be a minute.

no worries !

Aww my gosh are they still available?

Yap yap ! Any offer above 5€ is a good offer xD

Awesome! Would $5.30 work?

yaaa Just send the money here and when it's done I do the full transfer ! o/