Spruce in Midday Drizzle



4 years, 2 months ago


A lost sailor, a lost soul. Solemn, but hopeful.

Was once a kittypet, of a sort. He was like a barn cat, except with a ship -- catching rats and mice on board. The twolegs on the ship were friendly to him, but they didn't "own" him. Rather than being domesticated by them, he tolerated them. It was a beneficial relationship -- Spruce got a meal, and the twolegs' ship was rid of vermin. However, one fateful day, the ship was wrecked whilst traveling down a river through the mountains. Spruce was knocked out and drifted (on a piece of wood from the ship) to shore several miles away, near the territory of the Tribe of Fading Echoes. They pulled him ashore and kept watch over him until he woke up. Now, he's a part of the Tribe, but he misses his old life. After the life that he had lived for so long was gone, he now felt purposeless. He felt lost. He wanted to return to the water, to become a sailor again, but it seems that he can't have that life anymore. He's solemn after the destruction of the ship and the assumed-death of the twolegs aboard, but he's hopeful that he can find his purpose once again. Perhaps, the end of his sailor life will be the beginning of something new, something better...