
4 years, 4 months ago



FULL NAME: Ramona Jean Walker

ALIAS: The Brooklyn Anarchist or The Havoc

GENDER: Cis Female

AGE: 24


RACE: White





BUILD: Muscular. She has a typical female boxer build.

EYES: Yellow

HAIR LENGTH: Long, it's typically messy. She pulls it up slightly when boxing.



PIERCINGS: Her ears have plenty, studs in the lobe, rings in the cartilage. She has a tongue piercing and nipple piercings as well.

TATTOOS: A partial sleeve tattoo of a green dragon on her left arm.

OTHER FEATURES: She has multiple battle scars all over her body from past fights.



  • Muscular and strong from boxing and general weight-lifting.
  • Large stamina amount, can run, work, and fight for long periods. 
  • Extremely flexible, she was a gymnast before she went into boxing.
  • She can get into someone else's head with ease and psychoanalyse them for weaknesses. The demented/childish way she acts makes anyone who doesn't know her not expect her to be capable of this.
  • A bat with nails spiked into it.
  • Brass knuckles. 


Ramona's morality is skewed to a drastic point, though she does have the morality to not harm innocents that don't get in her way, and she will never harm children. She's heavy on the idea of being a vigilante, she has no problem at all with breaking the law and will break it to help others or herself. She's kind around most people, optimistic, and bubbly, her sense of humour is all over the place and she has no shame, and is extremely crude and vulgar. He overly cheery attitude even when fighting can set others off and she doesn't seem to care about getting hurt at all and is incredibly reckless. Despite this, Ramona is extremely loyal toward her friends and companions and would openly die for them. She's playful, a jokester, charming, and very energetic. She hides her demented attitude behind a very childish exterior, in a way. She knows she looks good and uses it to her own advantage, being incredibly flirtatious, a skilled manipulator, and is much more intelligent than she acts, which she uses to make others underestimate her. She's loyal, however does suffer from some selfishness and a dependence on others, not that she'll ever admit it. She's fun-loving, and tends to view any fights she gets into as more of a game than anything. Most view her as chaotic and unpredictable since she can go from laughing and giggling over something to snapping into seriousness or violent anger within seconds. She's very relaxed despite her energetic and optimistic attitude as well, and she loves to party.


Born a Brooklyn native, Ramona grew up in a normal family for the most part alongside two brothers, Bowie and Michael. She was chaotic as a child, that much is known, though had a relatively normal childhood. She did gymnastics from middle school to her senior year of high school before dropping it to do boxing instead, preferring it. She originally went to college to study psychology and forensics while also doing boxing as a side hobby and even managed to get a major in criminal psychology, though instead of continuing her career after college she began focusing more and more on boxing as well as something else. During her junior year of college, Ramona had nearly been mugged in an alley (Hense the scar on her face, they slashed her in the face to try and distract her) when a member of a local gang had swooped in and saved her. The two befriended each other fast and soon enough, Ramona found herself joining the gang as well, being a member of it throughout the rest of her college career. Crime enticed her, but her knowledge of psychology and her ability to get in other's heads without even having to use her physical strength made her a valuable asset for the gang as well. (She was also, for the most part, psychologically manipulated by the leader since he fancied her, and even if she never returned his affections the manipulation had a permanent effect on her brain and morality, so.)

Around when she turned 22, the gang had been stormed by police, Ramona being taken into custody, however, since she had no links to any of the crimes committed by the gang (Ramona was smart enough to destroy any evidence if there was ever any), she was only put in prison for a short amount of time before being released. While the rest of the gang had scattered, however, Ramona, finding freedom from a manipulative gang leader, moved on to her own devices, forming a group of fellows with her similar ideals and becoming something similar to a vigilante, though she's perfectly willing to commit crime as well in the same right. (Because fuck the establishment and the rich.). She's likely been in prison multiple times at this point now, though any attempt of keeping her caught never lasts long.



  • Partying.
  • Alcohol.
  • Fighting.
  • Crime.
  • Boxing
  • Psychology.


  • Cops.
  • The establishment/the rich.
  • Being bored.
  • Men who abuse their power.
  • Losing.


  • She does NOT kill for fun, if she kills someone it's out of self-defence or to defend someone else. The only exception to this are police, though she tends to leave them alone as long as they leave her alone.
  • If she sees someone being attacked unjustly she will attack the attacker, ESPECIALLY if the victim is a woman. 
  • Inspired off Harley Quinn, Daisy from Agents of Mayhem, and my inherent need for a lesbian boxer OC.


VOICE CLAIM: Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn

THEME SONG: Sway With Me - Saweetie and GALXARA

FASHION TASTE: Loose clothing, athletic wear, anything she can move in but also look good in.