Midnight Mayhem's Comments

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Yes! My PayPal is [email protected]

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Thank you! I’ll sending them over right now :)


Heya heya! I stumbled upon your page and saw you have some really amazing characters! This one caught my eye and saw that it was UFT nwn. So figured I would make an attempt to offer qwq.

Does someone on https://toyhou.se/Nymphrasis/characters/folder:5473962 ( Ignore the gaia. Those are freebies ), https://toyhou.se/Nymphrasis/characters/folder:4925799 ( Not Mao ), or https://toyhou.se/Nymphrasis/characters/folder:4925804 peek your interests nwn?

If no one caught your eye, I understand! 

I'll try to see if I can try to make some extra money to be able to afford this fella <3

Sorry I don’t see anyone I’d use > <
They are ufs for 50 if you’re interested ;v;/

No worries, it is fine! 

I can't purchase just yet, unfortunately! But once I got things settled irl and know how much I'll have left, I can only hope that I have enough left to afford this bean <3! Hopefully I'll come back by then!

hi! how much are you looking for for this?

Around 50-60 :)

How much would you consider for this design? (for resale/voucher)

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I'm mostly looking at resell or vouchers atm > <

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Hi! Sorry I don’t think I’d use Hagon much! Thank you for asking though :)!