Leonce "Leo" Sylvain



4 years, 5 months ago


- Leonce, also known as Leo, is the youngest of 3 siblings and a druid of the forest.

- Role at the time was to help keep the nature surrounding his family’s grotto in equilibrium and keep written record of events etc

- He and his family once used to trade with the settlements nearby, but noticed the settlements and life nearby continued to decline as the plague roved throughout the lands 

-  Leonce and his family spent more time in the forest as a result, but began to feel unsettled when the resurgence of fey, especially the crossings. Some of the fey were amicable, but Leo began to feel alienated as other fey became hostile. At first Leo had the longest time adjusting to the changes in the fey, since his family has fey ancestry as well

- With the changes in the forest and lands around, his eldest sister “Lys” Lysable decided to leave the family grove with their parents, leaving Leonce and his older brother Landon

- One day during the crossings, Landon was dragged into the fey wilds and trapped there

- For a while afterwards, Leonce spent all his time wandering through his family’s part of the forest and other territories in hopes he’ll find an access to Landon. 

- Leonce stayed in the forest for many moons, searching for an access to Landon and hoping that if he stayed long enough he could help the nature nearby. 

- After a few years of living alone, he eventually decided to leave as the lands outside continued to wither away, and he suspects all the other druids in the forest left ages ago. He hopes to find his family again, especially a portal to finding Landon. Before he left, he transcribed their records in shorthand in his journal, which he carries with him as he updates his travels. 



- Youngest of 3 siblings. Last to leave family grove 

- Used to help maintain surrounding nature and record history


- Believes all races are victims of plague, despite warring histories ; Life is nature's greatest gift and shouldn't be taken prematurely unless necessary

- Good actions result in good karma. "They'd do the same for me"


Misc Fears/Apprehensions 

- Darkness

- Being forgotten

- Asphyxiation