Basic Info

Reason for retirement

I just don't use them anymore


The wandering dream...

Name Whisper, goes by whisp
Age Agless, dreams don't age y'all-
Gender Agender (they/them or it/its)
Race Sentient dream
Sexuality Panromantic
Theme Tba

positive . naive . curious

Whisp is a small dream that wonders both the dream and our worlds. Nobody knows who dreamt this little dream, not even whisp themselve. But what they did know is that after there dreamer woke up they didn't want to fade. Whips didn't want to die, whisp wouldn't die. They had so much they wanted to see, so many people to meet, so many places to be. There desires soon became determination, with that determination whisp was able to escape the dream world an enter the waking world.

 This new place filled whisper with curiosity. They left the house to go explore, not even bothering to try to find the one who dreamt them. Whisp now travels the world, always with a smile on there face as they see new places and meet new people. Whips has a very positive attitude an is always finding a reason to smile, an to make others smile. 

Whisper isn't a very strong dream though, an will often be forced to return to the dream world, as dreams can not survive in this reality. But whisp will always return when the get the chance. One of there favorite places to be is with there friend TBA, the forest spirit

 "good things are all around us, we just have to find them"

HTML by lowkeywicked