


4 years, 3 months ago


 There isn't one single dragon that hasn't heard of Teardrop in the proximities of her clan. Much less, one that was brave enough to challenge her for a fight for the leadership. Teardrop has always been thirsty for power, and came crawling from the plague realm to conquer domains in the fire flight. Ever since the beginning of her life, Teardrop was a merciless soul. She ate her brother's eggs before they could hatch, just so she would have no competition for the heritage. Then, at an young adult age, proceeeded to throw herself into the The Wyrmwound, a cauldron of disease churned by the Plaguebringer herself, in the faith that she would become more powerful. Teardrop didn't care for the consequences of becoming a monster.

The Wyrmwound turned Teardrop into an abomination of skin and bones, and gave hear the appearance of a walking dead dragon. No one remembers what her face and body originally used to look like. She came out howling in pain and wrath, and the ones who still had some braveness to face her were thorn apart. The rest disappeared completely to never be found again. Currently, Teardrop is the merciless ruler of a clan in the fire flight, and will not take no for an answer. The dragoness enjoys chewing on bones of past challengers, and has a gross taste for blood, and the thrill of the fight. Teardrop will not hesitate before attacking anything that gets into her territory, or even challenging the members of her own clans to a life-or-death face off if it means she can bring fear to others and show her power. Some even say she's the living incarnation of the apocalypse, brought to the world by Plaguebringer herself. Teardrop used to eat her eggs before they hatched, so there would be no heritage, and she'd continue to be a leader forever. Even now, her clan is all made of other conquered clans and supernatural deities that decide to live near them (either for the smell of blood, or the interest for the union of different types of dragons, no one will know). The only thing known is that Teardrop's clan is diverse, and lowkey magical.

It is said that Teardrop denies any dragon to leave her clan. She does bring them food and leaves them in peace for most of the time, but the danger of being automatically hunted down and eliminated if they try to leave or disobey is certain. It is also said that Teardrop cannot feel anything beyond wrath and rage. She does not know any other feeling, and thus is insensitive to magic. She cannot perceive any of the supernatural entities that walk among her clan, and she can't even see their magic, being her heart dead and melted into coal inside.