Imbrium Crisium Anguis



7 years, 7 months ago


Name: Imbrium Crisium Anguis
Goes By: Imbrium or Imbri
Mate: Abysmalia Seraphim Pandemic Nightmare
Pet Name for Mate: Aby or Sera
Special Term of Endearment for Mate: Baby Girl
About: She is shy, endearing, and lovable. She makes most people she meets feel protective of her almost right away because of her fragile appearance. There are, in essence two ways people react when they get to know Imbri and realize how much she wants to please others and how easy she can be to manipulate - they become protective of her, or they try to use her. Because of how weak she is (though some call her strong), she is almost always at the side of her mate, Aby, because of Aby's desire to keep anyone from hurting her like she has been abused in the past. around Aby, Imbri becomes slightly stronger, as if feeding off of her strength, but when she gets really shy she will still be found to hide behind Aby's back, peeking carefully over her shoulder - especially when meeting large groups of new people. Imbri is very submissive to Aby, and always always has her collar on. Her collar is cyan-dyed leather, like the cyan on her body. It has a pure silver tag with gold-embossed lettering that says "Property of Aby" on three separate lines. When she has to go to work or a fancy dinner, she has a cloth cyan necklace that has a silver heart on it that just says "Aby" on it. Her hair is about halfway down her back, and in this picture is in a ponytail, that is why it doesn't show.