Cherry's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Juniipears Global Rules
These are the general rules for all adopts created exclusively by me, I won't chase you down if I find you have broken them repetitively BUT I will refuse to do business with you directly if this is the case.

For my detailed Terms of Service please follow this link


This is mostly a foot note not directly related to designs themselves, but if you ghost me mid trade I will immediately refuse to do business with you ever again.

I'm an incredibly patient person, I will not hold it against you if something comes up and you need to back out, but If you point blank ignore my efforts to contact you enough times I will immediately cancel the transaction. I have 0 tolerance for being rude.

If you need to back out of a transaction all you have to do is let me know so I can make other arrangements! There is no penalty for needing to do that, you just need to communicate it.