


4 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
For Trade
For Offer


I wanted to use this character in a story at first, but I will not write  that story out anymore so I have decided to part with some of the designs that I won't be using anymore.

I'm not able to take currency for it, but I will gladly trade it against art or another design if it interests me. So feel free to offer away either in the comments or in private message, whatever you prefer!

The design comes with the reference-sheet and the pixel headshot. If you want to rename the character, feel free to edit the name away on them and add the new name.

You can make slight changes to the design or colors afterwards if you want to.

Possible name and personality if you are interested, but obviously you don't have to keep that:

Warrior-Name: Blizzardtail

Age: TBA

Gender: Male

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Warrior

Bloodline: 50% RiverClan, 50% ThunderClan


- Mother: dead

- Father: unknown (in ThunderClan)

- Siblings: /

- Half-Siblings: Unknown (in ThunderClan)


Blizzardtail isn't a really good swimmer but therefore he is an excellent climber. That's probably because he is a half Clan cat. His father has the same white fur as him and lives in ThunderClan but they don't like each other much.