Comet's Comments

This is absolutely stunning character just wow. Breathtaking.


h you puttin em for sale/trade? cuz im interested 👀

But you were the one that made them, right? :P What do you have to trade?


haha yeah!! i just wish i hadnt sold them back then but I Needed Money so yea.. priorities

would you be up for art (like a fullbody or something)?

Ooh I was asking for maybe a character trade, if you had any?


Im pretty much out of premades I could offer (theres basically only this boy) but I can try to get a 3way trade going!!

EDIT: I found someone interested in buying them for the 65$!! If youre still up for selling them could you note me a paypal adress? (alt. i can tell em to contact you about if youd rather!)

I'd ask for art, but unfortunately I don't really feel any attachment towards my current characters (hence why I'm selling them...). Are you sure you don't want the jaguar for yourself? My paypal is vic91793 @ hotmail.

3 Replies