Brace Albani



4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Brace Albani

Meaning: Brace "arm" (Old French) Albani "dawn" (Latin)

Species: Elf

Role: Carpenter's son

Physical Traits: Coral eyes and orange hair, warm skin. five piercings in his left ear and always wears a choker necklace.

Personality: Creative, humorous, patient, methodical.

Abilities: Good with a knife, can carve designs into wood fluidly, can make up and tell funny jokes.

Weaknesses: He has a habit of thinking that what he makes isn't good enough, and that he'll never get any better, but then his father reminds him of how far he's already come since his first carving and he feels better.

Backstory: Brace likes to carve things for his friends or make little toys for the children in the village. His father is teaching him the family craft, but he isn't good at making anything functional yet, just little art pieces and toys who don't always stand up straight. He wants to become famous for his beautiful furniture one day and sell it in larger villages and cities far away from home.