


4 years, 4 months ago


this particular "character" was once just a singular entity, however i've decided to split it up into a family tree of harpies. as i tend to experiment with different facial features, styles, and overall coloring abilities, i use this "family" of harpies as a subject. a new generation will be created at some point, however i think i'd like to diverge this original one first.

claire was the first harpy of the family. her name is derived from the french word for moonlit: "eclaire par la lune". as time goes on, her offspring carry many of her galaxy-like traits such as her purple starry eyes or sparkles on her head feathers. claire no longer exists. simply put, she's been "replaced" by her offspring. she had no official death and she is not dead nor alive (a schrodinger's situation perhaps), just gone. the only remnant of her existence remain in her children for generations to come.

one of the offspring in particular formed a new body sooner than others. claire's children do not develop as any other living creature. they are birthed as energy orbs and only take the form of a harpy when the transformation is complete. the time it takes varies. the likeliness of many of the orbs to gain a body are slim to none, so it was rather surprising that one of them had taken the form of an adult woman. carrying the recessive head feathers and purple eyes, etude was created.

after etude emerged melody, who took the form of a teenage girl. her eyes and feathers resemble more of claire than etude.