Voleheart 💫



4 years, 4 months ago


* male (he/him)
* apprentice of shadowclan --> stingingclan --> warrior of skyclan

* born into an alternate shadowclan
* made a few friends when he was younger, primarily bearkit and stingingpaw
* became an apprentice with bearpaw, with stingingfang becoming a warrior
* when stingingstar left to create stingingclan, volepaw followed him there, but sorely regretted this, becoming closed off and quiet
* learned from a medicine cat named dustytrail about starclan (shadowclan followed a "skyclan" as their afterlife), and eventually formed a plan to call out stingingstar for his beliefs in the dark forest and show the clan this was the wrong thing to do
* stinging immediately tackled him off the highrock and asked for any last words; after vole spat out that starclan was their true ancestors, stinging slit his throat right there
* for standing up against the dark forest, he was granted access into skyclan; while there, he was watching ceremonies go on and felt himself missing his clan dearly
* solaris, a member of skyclan, took pity on him and granted him the warrior name of voleheart
* as the years passed and his connections in the clans slowly died, voleheart faded away, moving to the island of stars where he is eternally recognized for his bravery in the face of opposition