

4 years, 3 months ago


Octoling oc - Agent 8

Splat Dualies
Anything that fits
Punk bitch clothing
Always boots.

AGENT 8 (OC)Level 88

Clam Blitz: S
Rainmaker: S+
Splat Zones: A
Tower Control: A+

You already know the origins of Agent 8. Having woken up with no memories with an old, crusty inkling above him. Trying to reach the promised land. But they have a lot more to them than that-- Not all endings are happy, although most who know them think of it as such. I mean, they finally reached the surface, fresh air, battles, new friends- What's not to love?

Agent 8 could be described as shy, although for the most part they have no trouble interacting, but hardly talk. They prefer to do as told and not think for themself-- That's what they're used to doing after all. A mindless clone in a world of brainwashed Octolings. Despite their new friends Pearl and Marina trying to get them to do otherwise, they've shown time and time again that they'll only do something out of the ordinary if told to.

Agent 8, despite being hailed as a hero, still severely distrusts most octolings, including Marina. They tend to hang around more inklings, and if they come into contact with another of their kind, they try their best to keep their distance. Funnily enough, they see their own kind as dangerous, despite being an Octoling themself. They're mostly afraid of puzzles- and the affinity his piers have for them. Agent 8 hated their time down on the train- But not because they were stuck, it was because of the challenges.

Either way, Agent 8 can be seen wandering the back alleys, working for mister Grizz and doing various jobs as told to. They run errands and such, and again, hardly talk. They never really entertain their interests in music and lyrics, instead sticking to what they're used to.

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