Urias's Comments

I still really like this kiddo ^^;

I have some new chars to look through in my trade folder(and maybe some others, but highly tent) if you want to take a peek. I can do a combo of C$ and chars or traditional art as well. You can also ignore any chars that say “trade for - only”. I’ll make an exception for this one

Do you see anyone in my th that interest you in a trade?

Aaaa hi! Thanks! 

I saw this bean and he's really cute ;; he was the only one that interested me, though he has a lot more art than Urias ;;

Aaaa I do like them and I willing to trade meneno but he does have more art than Urias ;; so I'm very sorry to decline...

I was looking through your beans again and I like this one as well ;;
He also has more art than Urias although not as much had Meneno

I'd also be willing to trade for him though I understand if you decline that one as well ;;