


4 years, 4 months ago




An earlier vessel experiment who's not quite as 'optimized'. Their emotions and willpower aren't nearly as oppressed as their later siblings', but they also don't posses the insane, innate strength of those later siblings either (like Pure Vessel or Ghost).

They were chosen to begin training to be The Hollow Knight when they were first born. However, possessing the curiosity that children and adolescents do, they spent a lot of their time exploring their father's palace. This is where eventually they stumbled upon the royal scientist's notebooks detailing how they were meant to become a living prison for The Radiance. They were outraged, and knew they wanted to have some kind of revenge on the king and his followers, before escaping into the wilderness outside Hallownest. Always having a desire to find and collect treasure that their father never let them act upon, their first act of rebellion was going to the king's treasury and packing up as many gemstones and artifacts as they could carry. Satisfied they'd collected enough to make a sizable dent in the King's wealth, they made their final escape out of the palace, causing as much destruction as they could along the way - breaking walls and windows, destroying statues and other artwork, and tearing down all the King's banners, one of which they kept for themself as a trophy. Then, they fled - escaping upwards and eastwards, over the mountain that held the Kingdom's crystal mines and into the wilderness beyond.

There, they traveled as a nomad, using the stolen fortune to pay for food & lodgings in the small villages they encountered along the way. They discovered a passion for treasure-hunting, and spent their time doing just that. They also often encountered the Grimm Troupe, and became good friends with all the performers after many repeat meetings. It was only when the Troupe mentioned that the ruins of Hallownest would be a likely next target for their ritual that the vessel decided to start heading home, intrigued by the falling of the kingdom. They also felt a lot more safe knowing that their father was dead. They finally made it back soon after Ghost had defeated the Radiance.

They've taken up residence in one of the many abandoned buildings in The City Of Tears, which is where they're now staying with their treasure hoard. They enjoy going out to explore the diverse caverns of the kingdom, and of course digging up priceless artifacts among the ruins.