Jin's Comments

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I remember that when I posted art of him on Weasyl! :D

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D'awwww...thank you so much! :D

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If only I were online more! ;_;

But thank you so much! Even as I created Rosemary as a "pokemon persona", I always have to create really detailled backgrounds even for fursonas, so...........a whole universe was created around her. :)

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I'll think about it and let you know. :)

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I thought about it a lot...and I think because my internet time is usually at work, it may not be a good idea to do a sensitive thing like this...I wouldn't want to get in trouble or lose my job. I think I would also be bad at it, because I type very poorly in a hurry. *wry laugh* You have no idea how hard I proofread things before sending them.............

But thank you so much for thinking my character was good enough to even consider it, I appreciate that! :)

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