Nega -Huge sadic b*tch-



Name: Nega

O.S: heterosexual

Gender: Female

Birthday: 23/09

Specie: demon fallen angel wolf

Size: 1m91

Couple : with herself...

Likes: hurt, torture, down people's mental healt, don't let people eat or drink, laught of people, saying whatn she thinks, put people at their place, seing people she hates crying or dying, night, moon

Hate: people thinking they're smarter, people saying what she has to do, orders, screamer, be judge by her apparence, sun

Default: sensible to sun

Specialty: really good at using scissors to cut people's skin (scarification)

Character: sadic, mean, vulgar, manipulative, sad inside, crazy, player, aggressiv, resentful, 


-S Place: dom 90%

-nsfw fanart: yeah...

-gore pastel fanart: yeah...

-gore fanart: yeah...









Up for ship : NOT AT THE MOMENT

Up for official couple : NO