Gale Force



4 years, 3 months ago


Gale Force

Male . 22


Clumsy . Upbeat . Skittish

 "I've got this-!! I-!! Woah-!!"


 Nicknames: N/A
 Race: Snow Leopard
 Birthday: 26th of January
 Sign: Aquarius
 Height: Content
 Occupation: Healer
 Flower: Snow drop
 Theme: Witches


  • Being helpful
  • Affection
  • People, especially Atul


  • Tripping over his tail
  • Being alone
  • Feeling like a burden


Gale was born into a mountain tribe and raised by his mother. Like regular snow leopards, this clan's members lead solitary lives once they come of age, only meeting one another during mating seasons to keep the clan alive. Gale wasn't the strongest hunter, and was a bit clumsy for one of his tribe, but even so, when he came to the age of 15, he and his mother parted ways. This was how things always went, so Gale reluctantly accepted his reality...for a time. Eventually, he couldn't take the isolation anymore. He was an extrovert completely segregated from all social interaction, and it was causing him to become depressed and painfully lonely. He eventually came to the conclusion that he simply could not lead the same life as his ancestors and fellow tribe members, and left the mountain.

He has never looked back since.

Gale began to flourish as an individual, and became much more cheerful. He enjoyed learning about the world at the foot of the mountain, and about the cultures of other clans and communities. He had a lot to learn about cultural norms, but was more than happy to oblige. 

Shortly after his 22nd birthday, while wandering the plains alone, Gale was attacked by a wild monster. By all accounts, Gale should not have survived the encounter. It seems, however, that fate had more in store for him. A young elven man by the name of Atul appeared and appeased the monster, rescuing Gale in the process. Gale, feeling indebted to him for saving his life, vowed to help him however he could. At first, Atul declined, but something seemed to win him over. Gale now travels alongside Atul, helping him in his quest to aid those less fortunate. 

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