


Rank: Brightclan Deputy

Gender: she-cat

Age: ~49 moons

Build notes: average sized. Doesn't put much effort into grooming, but still has beautiful, glossy fur. Fluffy but not in a messy way.

Sexuality: Lesbian, demisexual


Vervainstrike started as a loner named Vervain. She traveled with her mother, who was also a pretty cat that would be friendly with any twoleg or other cat in order to get food or shelter. Vervain despised her mother's tactics but her mother did teach her that she had to be very strong to survive in this world, whether it was by charming others to give you food or to get strong enough to get your own food without trouble. As soon as Vervain was old enough she left her mother's side, never looking back. She lived near the lakeside on her own for many moons. She had her troubles, but over time she grew strong enough to fend off many obstacles. Her biggest problem was twolegs and other cats approaching her because of her appearance. She was always quick to dash away or chase them off.

Vervain quickly became known as the strongest (and grumpiest) cat by the lake and the other loners and rogues knew to avoid her at all costs. Some didn't care about her reputation and approached her anyways. They quickly grew to regret that. Vervain wasn't just a strong fighter, she actually enjoyed fighting. She took pride in her skills and felt she could make her way in the world without the help of her appearance this way.

One morning she awakened from an unusual dream of her basking in the sun by the lake at sunhigh. The dream was especially weird because Vervain generally avoided the lakeside. That day she wandered down to the lake on whim and ended up meeting Duststar there, who eventually convinced her to join the clan he was building. Vervain never really wanted to live among other cats but she admired Duststar's ideals of peace and unity and liked the idea of defending cats from the threats they faced. She was renamed Vervainstrike and quickly made deputy for her fighting skills and different viewpoints.


Loyal | Impersonal | Aggressive

Vervainstrike's personality is a high contrast to her appearance. She doesn't like other cats to approach without her permission and she hates appearance based compliments. She tends to be harsh with her clanmates but is a little gentler with kits and the cats who aren't able to do as much as her. She holds a lot of respect for Duststar as the leader, despite how much their personalities clash. She admires how level headed and calm he can be and the fact that he can make almost anyone his friend.

Vervainstrike is the fiercest fighter in the clan, willing to fight anything to protect them. Her loyalty to the clan has been one of Duststar's strongest assets. Vervainstrike is a very proud cat, especially in terms of her fighting achievement. She doesn't boast about it, but the fact that she's been in many battles with no scars to show for it is one of her proudest achievements. Despite this, she sometimes wishes she would gain scars and lots of them, just to make her look less beautiful to others and warn them away. A nice face scar would do it.

Her time in Brightclan has made Vervainstrike a bit less grumpy and more reasonable to others. While she's still somewhat aloof towards others, she has formed some lasting bonds within the clan, especially with the warriors who have been in Brightclan from the beginning like her. Vervainstrike can't stand Eveningrose. She views her as vain and hates how the other she-cat uses her appearance to win others over. The two of them avoid each other constantly. Even though she sometimes has a scary personality, Vervainstrike has made a great mentor, especially towards her current apprentice, Nymphpaw. His scared, shy personality has taught Vervainstrike to be more mellow and patient towards him.