Vincent Feathers



4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Vincent "Vinny" Feathers

Origin: Earth (Untitled Goose Game)

Species/Race: Emden Goose

Age: 17

Appearance: Vinny is an Emdem Goose sporting glasses that somehow never fall off of his eyes and a glowing yellow ring stuck to his left foot.

Personality: Vinny is a goose who has reached past their normal instinct and gained human-like sentience. On the outside, he's a jokester who doesn't take himself seriously unless times require it and an annoying animal, and on the inside, he's questioning his purpose and pranks are his coping mechanism.

Background: He was a test subject for a hidden sect that was planning a heist, and had the idea of attacking with geese. He got injected a serum that made him overcome his animalistic instincts and gain reason, and he wrecked the whole place and foiled their plans.

Abilities: Vinny is a goose, so it can honk, grab things with its beak, and do everything a goose can.  With the power ring, it can lift things that a normal goose shouldn't be able to (up to things that are 400 kg in mass) and create shockwaves with a loud enough honk. He can also fly, although hardly.

Other: It's possible to take off his ring and destroy it but only he can take it off.