


7 years, 8 months ago




Indulgent • Chipper • Tempermental • Loyal
Full name Toa
Nickname "Big Blue"
Age 27 - September 15
Pronouns He/Him
Height - Feral 5'2" on all fours, including neck, 6'3" on hind legs
Height - Anthro 5'9"
S/O Barius
Species Creature
D.O.C. September 15, 2011


Just a giant pigeon living his life! Originally coming from a tropical climate, he wanted to explore othe biomes around the world. He used to move a new landscape every year, having a preference for forests, until he crossed paths with someone who would change his life forever.

Toa is a well-rounded ambivert, he loves exploring and going out adventuring, but he also loves not moving for days on end and hiding in a nest of blankets. He loves his friends dearly and has a fondness for giving gifts, He WILL buy you 42 keychains if they make him think of you and he will feel no remorse. His short-term memory is absolute garbage, but his long-term memory is a fucking bear trap; so do NOT bet on him forgetting embarrassing things about you if you've know him longer than a year.


  • He's loud, but also reserved, very much relying on a "social battery". Barius is one of the few people who don't overwhelm him much or from whom he doesn't really need a solid "recharge" period for; he finds him very mild.
  • He likes spicy food (birds can't taste capscasin!), so he's a bit more adventurous with his palette than his friends; the type of friend who will eat almost anything. Spicy things are not his "go-to" but he won't back away from trying something just because it's spicy. Surpriginsly, Barius is the same.
  • Very nocturnal, his sleep schedule is constantly fucked up.
  • He Smells like tea leaves, sweet orange, and cashmere wood, and bergamot. He smells what "warm" feels like.
  • Toa was one of the very first creature chars I ever made; he wasn't meant to be a sona at the time of his creation, but I think he was destined to encapsulate me. He's been a constant and incredibly meaningful character for me ever since.

Design Notes

  • His neck seems to be short, but is actually in a "resting pose". He can strecth it out when he wants and it's actually quite comical to see.
  • He has NO visible nostrils! Ever! (He can smell, I promise....Just don't ask me how, because I'm not sure. He just doesn't look good with nostrils lol).
  • His hands and feet can range from looking thin and birdlike, to more like thick-toed mammal paws, it all depends on the artist's mood/style.
  • The three little feathers at the back of his head are a come and go, I don't usually draw them in casual sketches, but in Proper pieces I prefer them to be drawn for the sake of completing his "look".
