Xenaitha Eth'kar



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Mythical (Kelian)



Height / Weight

6'4" 134 lbs


Expensive Decor, Mirrors, Attention, Power


Being ignored, Low-quality clothes, dull colors


When Keliax was a bit younger, Kelians had looked much like you. Slightly shorter, a bit rounder, and maybe different culture-wise, but much like you humans. The Empress was originally much like your Count- xenophobic to all kinds of foreign life.

Nobody dared to question her; she held powerful psionics that would destroy the mind of whoever was exposed to it. Originally thought to have been the result of a freak accident, the terrible truth came to light when it was revealed she was born that way. As a result, she quickly rose to power and proved to be deadly when behind a government. She was haughty, blunt, and insufferably prideful. Other races were torn between serving her and spitting in her face. It was obvious she had no care for those who worked under her. They slaved many hours day by day. Not a single word of encouragement. Not an expression of gratitude. Selfish. Arrogant. Violent. And so, throwing away our fear, we turned on our Empress. With the assistance of scientists from planets all across the Galaxy, we poisoned our queen’s drink with a terrible concoction. It was meant to kill her.

It failed.

When she awoke the next day and saw her horrid visage, she grew horrified and lashed out at us. She demanded us to bring the traitors before her, but nobody spoke out. We did not trust her. In a fit of anger and betrayal, she released a psionic wave known as The Deconstruction. What was once a vibrant, diverse nation became a cluster of slaves. Nobody could think for themselves anymore. Nobody could oppose her. And as she cast that wave and saw us weep at her feet, she realized the power she held.

We do not know how she figured out the mixture that poisoned her, but she had accepted that she could not turn back. As a punishment, we were to bear the same pain she did. We became just like her, but lesser. Her toys. Her possessions. All wrapped up in a game. And as for the Empress, she became intoxicated even more by the mere sight of her new appearance.

Her punishment never truly was one.