Helius Stonejaw



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Mythical (Wind Giant)



Height / Weight

19'2" / Fluctuates, but essentially weightless


October 14th


Unknown (Older than any other Mythical)


Helius the Wind Giant is the air-headed but warm-hearted of the four(?) giants. Representing the powers of Wind Mythicals, Helius is that one kid at the back of the class that is constantly daydreaming and out of touch with reality. To say that he’s a bit “slow on the uptake” is a generous way of saying he’s a complete idiot. No, really, for a Wind Mythical he’s astonishingly thick-skulled- more than his other siblings. But what he lacks in intelligence, he makes up for in compassion. His puffy, cloud-shaped beard acts as a sort of pocket dimension where he can pull practically anything from. Helius is a very empathic figure that tends to not let the troubles of life weigh him down. Unfortunately, this also can be said literally- he’s quite literally blown away by a strong enough wind and is sent sailing around the world for a good while before finding his way back to Netrocia. His siblings suggested he tie boulders to his legs. It worked, but then he couldn’t go anywhere all that easily.

He was the least affected out of the four giants by their departure from each other, and he spends most of his time still flying aimlessly around the world to spread whatever sort of nonsensical happiness he can. He’s extremely fond of autumn for its chill winds and colorful leaves. He tried to fly south for the winter until his siblings told him he wasn’t a bird. He stopped… for about a week. Helius was the most beloved out of his four siblings and was the one giant that they all swore to protect. They wish they were still able to.