Royal Blue Sapphire



4 years, 4 months ago


Name/Alias: Royal Blue Sapphire / Royal, Royal Blue, RB

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Age: 6,200-ish years

Height: 3’11” | 1.19 m

Alignment: Crystal Gems

Theme: --- 

Gem Type/Location: Sapphire | Stomach

Weapon: Cryokinesis

Abilities: Future Vision (similar to other sapphires, though not as strong)

Personality: Introvert – Quirky – Stubborn – Easy-going – Confident – Caring

Royal is a loving gem and caring to others. While she does care about the wellbeing of others, especially her partner Purple Ruby, she always thinks about herself first. Because of this, she is sometimes seen as stuck up/selfish despite her valuing the importance of personal health. She is pretty easy going when it comes to doing things, likes to plan stuff, but is always up to new things. She is always wanting to try Earth practices and traditions, and enjoys stepping out of her comfort zone, but is pretty stubborn when being forced to do things she doesn’t enjoy. 

Background: She was created just like any other Sapphire, and followed her duty as usual, though something was keeping her back. She felt like she didn’t really fit in, despite her purpose being laid out in front of her. Once she went up the ranks of tuning her psychic abilities, despite her avoiding in wanting to use it, she was assigned three rubies to her. And one of them, was a Purple Ruby. She had heard from other Sapphires of this one, and how he still strangely worked up the ranks despite being off-colored. Other Sapphires whispered around, talking to each other behind RB’s back about the Ruby, and RB was unsure about it. When she first met him, she told the rubies of their duties and they all nodded obediently. She smiled and cracked a small joke, and the Purple one snorted despite the other two’s glares. She started to ask him questions more so than the other rubies, and smiled with him and felt more like her true self around him. Every so often they’d get glares by the higher ups, Blue Diamond even, and she went back to obey them though always gave a funny face to Purple Ruby afterwards.

They hung out more, and she made sure to ask for him instead of other Rubies as her personal guard, and they chatted more. At one point off duty, they kissed, leaving RB completely flustered. She didn’t know how to react and began blabbering on about how bad this was, but Rube convinced her they could make this work. She confessed her true feelings about her status and view of Homeworld, and Rubes (Purple Ruby) confessed his feelings as well. She admits that she doesn’t belong here, so they hatch a plan. 

Rube plans to take a ruby ship to Earth during her next mission, and once there, she would meet up with him and flee the planet. They squeezed each other’s hands and she was off, travelling beside Blue Diamond and landing on Earth. While there, she felt so lost and confused, torn from not being with Rube, and her true self started shining through. Others began to notice, and she knew she couldn’t hide herself anymore, so she confessed her feelings to Blue Diamond, who was confused and torn at what to do. She relieved her of her duties for the day, and RB went aside, crying and distraught. Rube soon landed, and ran to her, wondering what happened, and she tells him everything. Rube whisks her away, concerned for her safety, and takes her to the ship far off in the distance. But before they could leave, they were interrupted by a group of gems part of the Crystal Gem Army. Hiding behind Rube, they explain the life they were fighting for, and asked if Rube and RB would help/join them. She didn’t feel good about it all, but Rube reassured her that they would be safe here. So they stayed, and she never felt so free before in her life, feel more like herself. She stripped her dress for a pair of slacks, and fell in love with Earths culture around her. They fused for the first time during their stay, making Iolite Garnet, though appreciated being together separated more so.

When the official war started, Rube made a promise to protect RB, and that fusing would put them both at risk. so she stayed behind. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before going off to battle. While he was in battle, where RB was staying was attacked and she fled and fought with her powers, but was too scared to really do anything, and she got caught in the blast of the corruption song. She came to as a beast, a creature that lost her mind. She hid away, terrified of what would become of her, and Rube eventually found her, also corrupted. She recognized him instantly, and they leaned against each other out of love. They stayed hidden for decades, trying to keep each other sane. They were both eventually attacked by the original Crystal Gems, both bubbled and kept in the Temple’s bubble room.

After Steven was born and confronted the diamonds and saved various corrupted bubbled gems, both Rube and Sapphire reformed in the fountain’s water. RB looked around, confused and wondering what was going on, when she looked down – she was uncorrupted. She started crying happy tears when she heard the shout of – Rube! She cried out to him and they met and embraced, crying and fusing in happiness.


 She often daydreams and is often lost in her thoughts.
 She absolutely LOVES reading books.
 Like Purple Ruby, she loves playing video games (mostly handheld ones).
 Her love is for Purple Ruby, and Purple Ruby only.
 She is fairly passive, but tends to boil over if pushed too much.
 She loves going on adventures and dragging Purple Ruby along.
 She is a big fan of rollercoasters.
 She likes fusing, and only fuses with Rube, but doesn’t like to fuse too much.
 Her fusion dance is very similar to swing dancing.