
4 years, 3 months ago


"He's such a chad"

--Pansexual + Panromantic

--Slasher with "caution tape" vibes

--Has an array of white masks in rotation that he likes to wear

--Masks include: Regular mask, purple Purge wire mask, Whistling Man mask, and a Greylock mask.

--Current targets include: Aubrey, Blacklight, Darryl, and Asher (dragon form only)

--Personality, hunting style, and target changes depending on the mask he wears

Design notes: Bags under his eyes, missing tooth when he grins. Hair is optional. 


Tigress: A crush of Panic’s, he once got beaten up by her and hasn’t forgotten about her for a single day since. He never wears a mask around her because he feels that she’s too good for one, and that she deserves to see him as his truest self. Often shows up at the most inconvenient times. Tigress has attempted to kill him more than once, but he always gets away.

Aubrey: (Regular mask) Panic's biggest crush. 

Blacklight: (Purge mask) Believe it or not, Blacklight and Panic are actually friends. They went to high school together, and Blacklight doesn't give a flying fuck what Panic does in his free time, as long as he stays far away from the places her friends and family live in. Panic occasionally chases her around to maintain appearances that what they have is strictly professional, but they'll just as happily grab a coffee and see a movie as they will beat each other up. Blacklight isn't a slasher like Panic is, but she's far from a good person, and sometimes they'll hunt together. They also share a Minecraft world.

Darryl: (Greylock mask) Panic does not like Darryl. Panic views Darryl as his rival, in no small part due to Darryl causing trouble in his designated territory. All of the other slashers know how to maintain boundaries so it irks him to no end how Darryl consistently ignores their agreed-upon territories in favor of causing trouble in the places Panic has staked out as his own. Panic swears that if Darryl so much as glances at one of the victim's he's claimed as his personal prey, Panic will ignore their already shaky truce and rid himself of Darryl once and for all. (They've absolutely hatefucked.)

Asher: (Whistling Man mask) Panic views Asher as something of the ultimate prey. As he is one of the few that knows that Asher is functionally immortal, meaning that Asher cannot age but isn't immune to things such as being stabbed, Panic views Asher as something of a holy grail. He's made multiple attempts on Asher's life, and though the being is completely scared shitless over him, he's just slippery enough to escape from Panic every time. Over time, Panic has grown obsessed with Asher and seeing the life leave his eyes, and spends a large amount of his free time coming up with ways to get the jump on Asher and finally kill him once and for all.