
4 years, 4 months ago



The left side of the island belongs to the Wilds, while the right belongs to the Domestics. They share the island despite this, and both groups use locations on either side of the isle.

1 - The Lone Pine The Lone Pine is where the Wild pride makes its rest at night. Gathered together on a small series of hills, protected by the shade of a single, giant pine tree. With a river closeby, water is no problem. The clearing surrounding the camp is often used for the young to run and stretch their legs. The camp is extremely well protected, and the Seekers ensure that no threats from the woods come to attack the pride during the night hours.

During the day, while the Seekers sleep, it is the job of any Speakers who remain in the camp for the day to watch over the young. Along with the help of any off-duty Shriekers and Streakers. Who decided to name most of the adult roles as words that start with s and end in eaker, it's frankly unknown. But the pride makes it work.

The camp is spread out on the hill, the Queen (or King) rests in the shade of the Lone Pine. Directly around them sleep the Shriekers (guards), followed by the Streakers (hunters). After the Streakers, come the nursing mothers and their cubs. On the lower parts of the small sequence of hills, sleep the Speakers (the lions who go out and convince other lions to come join the pride). And finally, pacing on the land around the hills, the Seekers patrol in circles, making sure no danger makes it to the camp.

2 - The Barren Peninsula A large swath of land that is made up of beach and sand, along with a few straggling trees, the Barren Peninsula is reserved for the burial of the dead. Due to its difficulty to reach by normal means, it is left alone by the dangers of the forests, and the felines use magical means whenever they need to go there.

3 - Howler's Point Howler's Point was named such because of the way the wind comes shooting off of the mountain range and out into the sea. It's avoided by the more superstitious lions, and even some of the less. For the most point, it's only visited on dares, or when taking a new Trainee or newcomer on a tour of the island.

4 - Training Thicket Hidden among the trees, and surrounded by river, the Training Thicket is kept safe by rivers on all four sides. There are two small swathes of land that allow exit or entrance into the thicket. With the heavy tree cover, water, strip of clear land, and small mountain range (though it can barely be called that), combined with the safety the rivers provide, make it the perfect location to start a Trainee's training. It's also quite close to camp, which makes it an easy walk for small paws. As Trainees grow older, and their muscles and powers develop, their mentors may take them further across the island, and up into the mountains to train.

5 - Sacred Caves When a cub or kitten is born with no magic, their mother and the current Monarch of their group take them up the mountains and into the Sacred Caves. There, the ancestors gather. The mother of the cub/kit asks the fate of her child, and the spirits can choose whether or not to speak with her.

If the ancestors choose to speak, one of them will appear before the three living felines. Traditionally, it will be one the mother knew in life. The spirit will look into the cub/kit's future, and determine if they will need powers to help survive, or if they will succeed powerless. If there is any chance of them becoming a threat, the spirit will refuse to help, but if nothing evil lies in their paws, and if they are destined for goodness, the spirit will either absorb themself into the cub (erasing their own afterlife and soul and becoming fully immersed in the cub) or refuse, saying they will find their way better with no powers.

Once a spirit makes a decision, no lion can change their mind. And once a cub/kit is grown, they can no longer accept a spirit. It must happen in the first few months, or it will never happen at all.

6 - Forest of Dangers The Forest of Dangers is surrounded on all four sides by water. The only way to cross is to swim the river, and thanks to the magic of the island, most the dangers refuse to cross the water under normal circumstances. Hidden in these woods, which cover both sides of the island, are foxes, bears, eagles, and more. Only lions above eighteen months and cats above twenty-four months are allowed into the Forest.

7 - Bay of Entrance The Bay of Entrance is where felines leave and arrive the island. The ocean is full of dangers, but the bay is completely safe thanks to the magic. It allows access to a small river, that runs right alongside the camp, and thus allows for newcomers to be led safely to camp without having to walk all across the island.

8 - The Star Oaks The Star Oaks is where the Domestics make their camp. Despite being small, the felines who live here have created a camp that is centered around the five large oak trees, which form the shape of a star. The center tree's roots are exposed, and it is underneath these that the monarch of the domestics lives, along with their family. In dens formed from bracken, tree root, bushes, and debris, is where the rest of the camp sleep.

Under the topmost tree sleep the Shriekers, near the upper right tree is where the Speakers sleep, and close to the bottom right tree is where the Streaker's make their dens. The Nursery is under the top left tree, and the bottom left tree is reserved for visiting guests, such as Wilds, or for cats who have yet to find their place in the group. Trainees tend to sleep in the same den as their mentors, so as to fully immerse them in the life they have chosen.

The clear parts of the camp are usually used for sharing tongues, training the younger Trainees, and eating. Prey is stored near the center tree, but on the opposite side as the monarch's den. The Domestics, like the Wilds, are very close-knit, and friends are often just as close, if not closer than family.

9 - The Dewdrop Islands The Domestic's side of the island has considerably more islands, the Dewdrop Islands are the series of five islands near the bottom of the main island. They are used mostly used for training powers, away from the main island.

10 - The Pawprint Islands The Pawprint Islands are a set of islands shaped strangly like a pawprint. The more supersticious claim that this is where the ancestors are closest to the living, excepting the Sacred Caves. When a feline needs time to themselves, or if they have lost their path in life, they often go to one of the Pawprint Islands to spend time among the silent dead. Though the Sacred Caves are the only place the dead can appear in the living world, the world of dreams is quite different, and many a feline has seen an ancestor while sleeping on the Pawprint Islands.

11 - The Barren Stretch A stretch of land quite like a desert, it is unknown why the left side of the island has less grass than the right. Though there is plenty in the forests and in the camp, the Barren Stretch refers to the long swathe of desert like land. There are some hills here, and for some reason the climate is just like a normal praire. It is used for training powers and battle skills in a flat enviroment

12 - The Meetup The Meetup is the most common place to find Domestics and Wilds interacting. Since it's close to the Wild's camp, and near where the Domestic's to most of their hunting on their side of the island, it's easy to find Domestics and Wilds working together to hunt, or simply catching up about how life is going.

13 - The Upper Hills The Upper Hills are used as a training ground, with a enviroment between the Barren Stretch and the mountains on the Wild's side. Typically, if a Trainee is having trouble fighting or using their powers in the mountains, their mentor will take them to the Upper Hills and get them used to shallower dips on a more grassy terrain.

14 - The Rounded Point While most of the time the Bay of Entrance is used to welcome new felines to the Isle, the Rounded Point is often used as a takeoff point for Domestics, since its less of a walk from their camp.