Aiden Ciararch



4 years, 4 months ago


- vampire; tortured prior to turning and left for dead - ordeal which didn't leave him unscathed

- initially can be perceived as an asshole - speaks his mind bluntly in brutal honesty and doesn't censor his crude languageĀ 

- acts first, asks questions later

- reckless in combat - high pain tolerance

- ambidextrous - weapons of choice are dual-wielding swords, but might forgo one in favor of a shield

- hedonistic by nature - would be happiest to simply spend his days relaxing, drinking and having sex

- will feed on humans if needed, but the only taste of blood he can enjoy is that of another vampire

- doesn't particularly care for his looks - typically sports messy hair and casual clothes

- despite everything and much to his dismay, protective of those in need and extremely loyal to those he grows attached to

- has penchant for giving people nicknames and will almost never call them by their real name - if it happens it indicates urgency/something being wrong

- bit possessive when it comes to mates, but ultimately respects their freedom as long as no one touches them