Lighthouse Keeper



4 years, 3 months ago


A lone man stands atop a seaside cliff. The waves crash into the rocks below, sharpening them with every inch of water. The winds are strong. A storm is brewing. With a gentle smile, he tucks a lock of hair behind his ear and retreats back into the lighthouse. Sailors would want shelter from the storm. This lighthouse is far from any city or town. It's just a single lighthouse by the bay. Not many come by, but every visitor that comes always brings him joy. Weary travelers tired from their long voyages at sea can always find themselves welcomed into the lighthouse.

A flip of a switch turns on the massive light that made the lighthouse, well, a lighthouse. From the peak, the man could see that the ocean begins to roil and foam, and from faraway, a lone brig approaches the bay. The man smiles. He descends the lighthouse and stops at his living space. He should make tea and prepare biscuits to enjoy with it. He might have visitors today, after all.