
4 years, 3 months ago



Epic . Cookies . Adult

The Crumby King and Queen of Crime who happen to be absolutely head over heels in love with one another!

Peanut Butter | “Shell ya later!“ Jam Drop | ”Get out of a Jam? More like Jam can get out of anything!”
Pronouns:  PB| He/Him  Jam| She/Her    Age: Adult     Rarity: tumblr_inline_q3i1gcB6Hk1uxarjz_500.png
Story: A power couple with a penchant for picking pockets, PB and Jam started their criminal empire as high school sweethearts, emphasis sweet.
Snatching dough from unsuspecting civilians, they used their loot to fund their dates, and before long, became the Crumby King and Queen of Crime,
with escapades stretching from land to coast. Following a botched job at the Bordeaux Crown Bank, PB and Jam found themselves behind bars…
for all of a day–more than enough time to hatch their daring escape, and these lovers have been on the run ever since!


Peanut Butter (PB)
Personal Skill: Smash & Grab Whenever PB dashes, he pulls out his loot sack; anything he smashes while dashing will become “Peanut Brittle Jellies” that he can collect for a little bit more energy.
Pet Skill: (Jam Drop as Jailbird) Jailbird grants access to the Speakeasy, where Cookies can bypass all obstacles for a short time
Pet Combi Bonus: (Jailbird Jam) When paired with Jailbird, whenever her pet skill activates, Jam will transform into her Cookie form and drive the Getaway Car for PB for a brief period of time.
Magic Candy:

Jam Drop (J)
Personal Skill: Rumrunner Whenever Jam collects an energy power-up, she hops atop a bootlegged Buttered Rum Barrel and gets a free mini-dash that gives bonus points for each obstacle destroyed during the dash.
Pet Skill: (PB as The Godfeather) The Godfeather causes searchlights to converge on the Cookie they’re paired with, and for a little while, all the regular jellies become Police Light (🚨) jellies worth extra points.
Pet Combi Bonus: (The Godfeather) When paired with The Godfeather, whenever his pet skill activates, PB will transform into his Cookie form and drive the Getaway Car for Jam for a brief period of time.
Magic Candy:

Unique Gameplay Mechanic Love on the Run
If a player has both Peanut Butter Cookie AND Jam Drop Cookie, while running, if either PB or Jam run out of Stamina,
their partner will automatically relay with them, provided that partner hasn’t already participated in a run.
Love on the Run will NOT activate unless both cookies have been acquired

Peanut Butter
Roguefort Cookie: “This cheesy hack’s tryin’a steal our bit!” (Tension)
Walnut Cookie: “Cute effort ‘n all but she ain’t got nothin’ on us!” (Tension)
Police Chief Cookie:"" (Tension) Nebulaicbakery
Cop Cookie: “Yikes! Time to Peanut Butter and Scram!” (Rival)
Jam Drop: “Ain’t she the sweetest? That’s my gal!” ♥ (Love)

Jam Drop
Roguefort Cookie: “This cheesy hack’s tryin’a steal our bit!” (Tension)
Walnut Cookie: “Cute effort ‘n all but she ain’t got nothin’ on us!” (Tension)
Police Chief Cookie:"" (Tension) Nebulaicbakery
Cop Cookie: “Ain’t nobody puts Jam in the Jar!”(Rival)
Peanut Butter: “Gosh ain’t he just the greatest” *sigh* ♥ (Love)
